Watch these 2 videos showing how to take blood pressure properly which can provide more accurate information and better control
Recently I wrote about a study that said happy marriages lower blood pressure and bad marriages raise blood pressure. Poorly maintained blood pressure machines at drug stores and supermarkets have sent many a frightened patient scurrying to the doctor as they report erroneously high blood pressure. A Stanford University School of Medicine study, published in the May, 2008 issue of Hypertension, found that in the offices of private U.S. physicians: Blood pressure was taken in only 56 percent of all patient visits, and in 93 percent of visits by patients diagnosed with hypertension. Only 39 percent of patients being treated for hypertension (high blood pressure) were at the recommended blood pressure levels. Only 20 percent of hypertensive patients who also have diabetes or kidney disease had their blood pressure controlled.
But how do you measure or take your blood pressure anyway? What is the right way to measure blood pressure in the first place? There is a right and a wrong way to take blood pressure. There are millions of people who have high blood pressure.(Many of them don't know it,by the way) Blood pressure is reported as two numbers,such as 120/80, the systolic over the diastolic. The top number 120, the systolic is the maximum pressure when the heart pumps and the lower number 80, the diastolic, is the pressure in the arteries and the body when the heart relaxes.
What are the benefits of measuring my own blood pressure?
It beehoves you to understand how to measure your own blood pressure since home monitoring on a regular basis usually gives a more accurate picture than an occasional measurement at the doctor office. And poorly maintained blood pressure machines at drug stores and supermarkets have sent many a frightened patient scurrying to the doctor as they report erroneously high blood pressure. You can buy a blood pressure cuff with a built in stethoscope so you can listen while you measure your blood pressure or you can buy an automatic digital blood pressure machine.
Using a blood pressure cuff or a blood pressure machine takes a little training and sometimes even doctor's office staff may not be measuring the blood pressure correctly. You will note that doctor's offices usually use a blood pressure cuff and stethoscope. It is easy to learn and you should think about buying a do it yourself blood pressure cuff with a built in stethoscope so you can measure your own blood pressure with accuracy.
Watch Video 1 How to Measure Blood Pressure Click the arrow
Watch video 2 How to Measure Blood Pressure Click the arrow
Why do I need the right size cuff for blood pressure?
First of all, you need to be sure you are using a blood pressure cuff that is the right size for you. If your arm is too large and the cuff is small your blood pressure will be recorded as higher than it really is. You can buy a larger size cuff for a larger arm.
Videos about Health and Fitness
Instructions for how to measure blood pressure with a blood pressure cuff or machine
Continue to deflate the cuff. Listen to your heartbeat. You will hear your heartbeat stop at some point. Check the reading on the dial. This number is your diastolic pressure.
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