A new study has shown that exercise EKGs may pick up heart trouble and cardiac abnormalities in athletes that are missed by resting EKGs
How do you know if a man or woman can do exercise or sports? What is a pre exercise or pre sports physical? How can you tell if a person who is going to go jogging or running will have a heart problem? The problem of figuring who can and can't exercise or do sports safely is one that confounds doctors and would be athletes as well as weekend joggers and soccer players. Sometimes people you never would suspect (even marathoners) can collapse. Remember Jim Fixx? "A new study has shown that exercise electrocardiograms (EKGs) may pick up heart trouble and cardiac abnormalities in athletes that are missed by resting, or baseline,EKGs. (In an exercise EKG, you either walk on a treadmill or pedal on a stationary bicycle while being monitored by an EKG machine) Dr Francesco Sofi (University of Florence, Italy) and colleagues report their findings online July 3, 2008 of the British Medical Journal".
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When you go to the doctor they will ask questions about your medical history, have you ever felt faint when running? Do you have high blood pressure? Do you get chest pain or shortness of breath? Without an obvious history of problems, you can do an electrocardiogram. You can order a treadmill test. You can do an echo cardiogram. But really for the average person and especially for young people the pre sports physical is still a matter of controversy. Some doctors would say at least get a resting electrocardiogram but many others would say the electrocardiogram is not likely to answer the question.
"We believe the addition of exercise ECG will give a good improvement of the evaluation of cardiac abnormalities in both young and older athletes," Sofi told Heartwire. (In an exercise EKG, you either walk on a treadmill or pedal on a stationary bicycle while being monitored by an EKG machine) He said this is the first study in a large cohort of athletes undergoing preparticipation screening to look at the inclusion of exercise ECG; the latter is something that is routinely incorporated into screening in Italy, he noted. "Pre participation screening is the systematic practice of evaluating sports participants before competition to detect cardiovascular abnormalities and thus prevent sudden death or progression of disease.In Italy, such screening constitutes an established medical program that has been implemented for more than 25 years. Over the past few decades, clinicians and experts have debated its clinical usefulness in identifying those at high risk."
"Findings from this cross sectional study, although only preliminary and not supported by follow-up analyses, support the inclusion of resting and exercise EKGs to detect heart problems, cardiac abnormalities such as ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmias (irregular heart beat) and coronary heart disease among people taking part in competitive sports, especially those who are middle aged and older. A consistent proportion of people disqualified for cardiac disorders showed innocent or negative findings on resting 12 lead EKG but clear pathological (dangerous or abnormal) alterations on exercise ECG.
Over the past few decades, there has been increasing interest in the role of cardiovascular screening to identify potentially fatal cardiac disorders among athletes before they take part in competitive sports".
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