Besides Botox for wrinkles dermatologists and plastic surgeons use injections of dermal fillers to fill in the skin and smooth wrinkles and facial lines. The FDA announced the approval of Evolence as a new collagen dermal filler for wrinkles for the correction of moderate to deep facial wrinkles and folds, such as nasolabial folds. Johnson and Johnson said it has received the clearance to market Evolence, an injectable collagen for treating facial wrinkles. "Evolence is a new collagen based structural dermal filler, and first of kind product. While new to the United States, Evolence has been available in other markets such as in Canada, Western and Eastern Europe, Israel, South Korea and Russia since 2004.
Collagen comprises up to 80% of the dermis and it helps maintain skin strength, structure and support. Collagen breaks down as a person ages, leading to the appearance of wrinkles, lines and folds. Evolence differs from someof the other wrinkle fillers or dermal fillers in that Evolence is real collagen. According to the Wall Street Journal, "J&J claims Evolence is "a breakthrough in aesthetics," because it is made from "naturally sourced collagen," unlike Restylane and Juvederm. Evolence is manufactured with a patented technology and uses tendons harvested from pigs in the U.S. and Australia".
There are a number of dermal fillers for wrinkle treatment and facial lines on the market. They are based on natural materials like collagen which form part of the skin. Some of the dermal fillers are absorbable and temporary and some are non absorbable and are designed to be more permanent. Injectable wrinkle fillers have names like ArteFill, Restylane, Radiesse and Juvederm.
Botox and Dermal Fillers are Both Used for Wrinkles
Besides Botox for wrinkles dermatologists and plastic surgeons use injections of dermal fillers to fill in the skin and smooth wrinkles and facial lines.Botox is a substance that effectively blocks nerve impulse to muscles in the face that cause wrinkles. Dermal fillers fill in the wrinkled area and make it appear smoother. Injecting dermal fillers with names like ArteFill, Restylane, Radiesse and Juvederm has become an increasingly popular form of wrinkle treatment in addition to Botox injections. Although the idea of wrinkle fillers and Botox sounds appealing it is still a medical procedure. You should investigate the possible side effects of the dermal fillers and Botox and understand the procedure. Any medical procedure needs to be done by a qualified physician. In the case of wrinkle treatment, doctors such as dermatologists or plastic or cosmetic surgeons are likely to have the most expertise.
Watch This Video Introduction to Dermal Fillers for Wrinkle Treatment Click the Arrow to Start
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