Sometimes Doctors Use Only Medicine to Treat a Blockage Watch a Video that Shows How Coronary Angioplasty is Done
The heart is a muscle and like all muscles the heart needs it's own blood supply. The heart gets oxygen and nutrition through it's own blood vessels called coronary arteries. The coronary arteries can become narrowed or blocked by deposits called plaque. Coronary artery plaque is made up of fat and cholesterol that builds up on the inside of the artery walls. This condition is called atherosclerosis . If the coronary artery blockage is not too severe, an angioplasty procedure can be used to open the artery. Angioplasty is used sometimes to open a blockage but not always. Factors involved in deciding to use angioplasty include how stable the heart disease is and how many coronary arteries have blockage. Sometimes just using medications may be sufficient to treat the coronary artery blockage.
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This Video Explains and Illustrates Coronary Angioplasty
The first heart angioplasty was done in the late 1970s. Angioplasty involves the use of a balloon catheter which is a small, hollow, flexible tube that has a balloon near the end of it.The doctor makes a small incision, usually near the groin, and inserts a catheter into an artery. Then x-rays are used to look at your heart and arteries. Dye is injected to highlight blood flow through the arteries. This helps reveal any blockages in the vessels leading to the heart. The balloon catheter is moved into or near the blockage, and the balloon on the end is inflated. This opens the blocked vessel and restores proper blood flow to the heart.
In some cases, a device called a stent is also placed at the site of narrowing or blockage in order to keep the artery open. A common type of stent is made of self-expanding, stainless steel mesh. Rarely, a special device with a small, diamond tip is used to drill through the hard plaque and calcium that are causing the blockage. This is called rotational atherectomy.
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