The high definition camcorder video cameras are percolating into the world of consumers. Which brings me to social networking. How? Family is important. Studies have shown that having a social network, a.k.a family and friends is one of the best things you can have for your mental health. Your social network and the ability to share with others and have people who care about you is one of the best bulwarks against tough times and the inevitable challenges of life. As time goes by it's great to have a record to share the good times and significant events. How many times have you wished you had a video of some great time in your life? Your family, your parents, your kids? Aunt Shirley or Grandpa Joe? The high definition video camcorders with prices coming to more affordable levels provide an excellent vehicle to record and share those great times.
I happened upon a video sharing site on the Internet that plans to emphasize HD video. I have no connection whatsoever with them. I just thought the site was interesting. You can visit the site, Vimeo, to get an idea of what you can expect from high definition video cameras versus the standard definition video cameras. Some of the videos people share on the site are in high definition.
A brief demonstration of standard vs high definition Click where it says Click Here
CLICK HERE HD Explained! from dalas verdugo on Vimeo.
A backyard high definition video using a Canon consumer HV 20 Click where it says Click Here
CLICK HERE Backyard HD from John on Vimeo.
A wedding clip recorded on a more expensive HD camera the Panasonic HVX 200 Click where it says Click Here
CLICK HERE Wedding in HD from vidwerk on Vimeo.
Videos about Health and Fitness
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