Some Patients Demand That They Get Passed on Their Sports Physical Even With Untreated Medical Problems
You think it's easy being a doctor? Amazingly doctors have not settled on a sports or exercise physical exam standard. That is, besides an extensive history, what kind of sports physical tests do you run? For example, most doctors do not get an EKG electrocardiogram because many argue an EKG won't detect many heart problems. On the other hand, in Italy many would be athletes get an EKG especially an exercise EKG. Doctors every day are faced with patients (or their parents) who insist, even demand that the child or adult who is getting a physical exam for sports participation or job be passed. In a related story Dr. Secretwave101 lays out the facts of one of the doc's patients.
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"I recently saw a patient because he “flunked” his sports physical at school for a resting blood pressure of 164/93. He is entering his senior year of high school, and unless I clear him to play football, he won’t make the team. He plays the starting offensive and defensive tackle positions on the varsity squad. By accounts, the kid is a terror on the field. He has lightning-fast feet, instincts that can’t be taught and immense strength for his age.
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"He also has hypertension (high blood pressure) and elevated cholesterol. His BMI is 32 - well past the definition of obese and heading toward morbid obesity. College scouts are taking a serious look at this kid".
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