Selasa, 30 Juni 2009

Old Time Medicine #3 - You KNOW it works! (The Most Famous Cocaine Wine!)

Mariani wine

Mariani wine (1875) was the most famous Coca wine of its time. Pope Leo XIII used to carry one bottle with him all the time. He awarded Angelo Mariani (the producer) with a Vatican gold medal.

Minggu, 28 Juni 2009

Old Time Medicine #2 - You KNOW it works! (Coca Wine)

Coca Wine

Metcalf Coca Wine was one of a huge variety of wines with cocaine on the market. Everybody used to say that it would make you happy and it would also work as a medicinal treatment.

Kamis, 25 Juni 2009

Old Time Medicine #1 - You KNOW it works! (Heroin. Completely Non-Addictive)

Bayer's Heroin

A bottle of Bayer's heroin. Between 1890 and 1910 heroin was sold as a non-addictive substitute for morphine. It was also used to treat children with strong cough.

Rabu, 10 Juni 2009



Is this guy a doctor or a witch doctor? I had to admit I was taken aback when I saw a wound care doctor apply a tube of a wound care cream called MediHoney to a family member's bed sore. I have been roaming the halls of medicine for years but I never heard of using honey to heal burns and wounds. I guess I should read more because it seems that honey containing medicine is being applied to burns and wounds with success and that the roots of this practice trace back to the Egyptians.

In talking with two wound care nurses they told me that they had seen some excellent results of treatment with honey
"For centuries now honey has been used as an effective remedy for wounds, burns and ulcers. In recent years there has been renewed interest in the medicinal properties of honey. Much of this research is being carried out by a team of people working at the Waikato Honey Research Unit, New Zealand".

  • New Zealand Dermatology Society How does honey work to treat infections?
  • Wound and Burn Dressing MediHoney

    There is a medical honey available for wounds and burns. Honey is different from the medical honey that is available through doctors and wound care specialists. Honey may also help disinfect the wound due to a chemical interaction between a specific enzyme in honey and damaged skin tissue that produces a form of hydrogen peroxide. In addition, honey has been shown to reduce inflammation and swelling. In March 2007, the Food and Drug Administration approved a honey-impregnated wound-dressing product for wound and burn care.

    "It's important to note that the specialized honey used in wound products and in research studies is different from honey available to consumers. Also, the honey used in research studies has been treated to remove contaminants. It's not clear at this time whether ordinary supermarket honey has the same wound-healing effect".

  • Is it true that applying honey to a wound may speed healing?
  • Senin, 08 Juni 2009

    Full Consent for Care...

    Found on Consent Care . com

    Came across this website the other day, thought it was fantastic. If only this was available before. It makes surgeon's lives so much easier - and medical liability less of an issue. By the way... I see it was developed by a bunch of surgeons in Cape Town.

    Long live the UCT clan!

    Kamis, 04 Juni 2009

    Father at 13... No 14.

    What the hell is the world coming to?

    By LUCY HAGAN Published: 13 Feb 2009

    BOY dad Alfie Patten yesterday admitted he does not know how much nappies cost - but said: "I think it's a lot."

    Baby-faced Alfie, who is 13 but looks more like eight, became a father four days ago when his girlfriend Chantelle Steadman gave birth to 7lb 3oz Maisie Roxanne.

    He told how he and Chantelle, 15, decided against an abortion after discovering she was pregnant.

    This story from the SUN UK took another twist when it was discovered that another 14 year old was actually the Dad.

    What is going on in the UK? We've previously blogged on a boy. And yes, I refuse to call him a man, who already had 3 kids at the age of 21. Now... to read about this 13 year old (nay, 14 - love triangle) who is happy to be a father to a child just blows my mind. It's not the "he's trying to be responsible argument". It's the fact that he was actually having SEX. UNPROTECTED SEX. At that age.

    Are parents not teaching their kids the right things?

    Are schools not teaching sex education? Whatever happened to the frikkin' condom on a banana gig?

    Now I hear that it gets even more socially disgraceful. It's not even his. How many boys was the little whore sleeping with?

    I hope to God South Africa doesn't aspire to be like England.

    End rant.

    Senin, 01 Juni 2009

    Alzheimer's. Thought for the Day.

    Thought for the day: There is more money being spent on breast implants and Viagra today than on Alzheimer’s research.

    This means that by 2040, there will be a large elderly population with perky boobs and huge erections and absolutely no recollection of what to do with them.