People use and abuse their skin and probably need a better knowledge of skin care. "Facial scrubs can be soothing and can give your face a soft, healthy glow. They can also make your face raw. Too many women are overusing their facial scrubs, giving them red, irritated cheeks. Are you over-scrubbing"? That's the question that a dermatologist, asks at his entertaining and educational dermatology blog called (ironically enough) The Derm Blog. This is a good place to increase your knowledge of skin care. He talks about a patient who recently came to see him with a bright red, painful skin rash on her cheeks.
It turns out, he says, that "This is a classic case of too much of a good thing in facial skin care. Facial scrubs can be an easy, rather inexpensive way to exfoliate the dull scaly cells on your skin’s surface leaving you with softer, more vibrant skin. However, exfoliating has gotten a little out of hand recently".
There is a lot more to skin than you might imagine. The skin has a surface area of 1 to 2 square meters , weighs 4 to 5 kilograms in the average adult. If you were to cut away a section of your skin, you would find that it is composed of three distinct layers. There is much more to skin than you might suspect. Everything from protecting you from infection and playing a part in the immune system to heat regulation. So it's not surprising that the medical care and treatment of the skin is a medical speciality. In fact, Dermatology is one of the most popular and difficult to enter medical specialties. Dermatology and skin care is a topic that fascinates millions.
You can pick up some interesting insights into dermatology and skin care by reading
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