Life is hard sometimes. O.K. lots of times. Somebody once said "Laughter is the best medicine" or maybe I read it on a gum wrapper. Anyway, it's true that humor helps us get through tough times and things that seemed awful may seem less so when we can laugh at them. Case in point, when you read about science, biology and medical Graduate School you envision working with rats on treadmills. When you actually get to Graduate School and experience the competition to achieve, the stress and the long hours you find yourself starting to identify with the rats.

Alexander Dent is a medical scientist who is also a talented cartoonist.He writes "These cartoons started from my trials and tribulations as a post-doctoral biomedical researcher at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland from 1992-1997. Most of these cartoons were published in the NIH Catalyst newsletter..I continued to produce cartoons sporadically for the Catalyst until about 2002. I have not done any cartooning since 2002". I think he ought to start cartooning again. These cartoons are wonderful, entertaining, funny and get (uncomfortably) close to home.
In a similar vein, look at this Video Introduction to Medical School Matrix 101: The Medical School Click the Arrow to Start
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