Here are video reports that discuss the recent interest in what are the benefits of Vitamin D? Or at least what are some of the new research findings about what Vitamin D might do or not. How do I love thee Vitamin D? Let me count the ways. Still another medical report has appeared about the putative relationship between Vitamin D and health.
Earlier the Archives of Internal Medicine had a report about a relationship between low Vitamin D and heart attacks. Now another report says "Low 25-hydroxyvitamin D and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D levels (which are ways of measuring Vitamin D in the body) are independently associated with all-cause and cardiovascular (heart) mortality. (But) A causal relationship has yet to be proved by intervention trials using vitamin D".
Watch this video about what are the possible benefits of Vitamin D Click the arrow to start
Now it is Vitamin D and the risk of heart attack and heart problems .It seems like Vitamin D has arrived in the medical spot light. Recently I wrote in healty medical Blog that the Canadian Cancer Society has recommended that many people take Vitamin D and I also scoped out a report that said that women with breast cancer who had low levels of Vitamin D did less well prognosis wise. Now fanning the flames of Vitamin D popularity is a study that says "Low levels of 25(OH)D (Vitamin D) are associated with higher risk of myocardial infarction (heart attack) in a graded manner, even after controlling for factors known to be associated with coronary artery disease" (heart problems related to the coronary arteries that supply the heart muscle itself with blood).
Watch this video about a possible relationship between Vitamin D and cancer Click the arrow to start
The report about Vitamin D and heart and all cause mortality was published in the June 23 edition of the Archives of Internal Medicine.In the study, Dr. Harald Dobnig, from the Medical University of Graz in Austria, and colleagues collected data on vitamin D levels among almost 3,300 patients undergoing angiography. Angiography is the medical procedure where dye is injected to "light up" the heart coronary arteries when viewed with xray to check for coronary blockage.
"After more than seven years of follow-up, 737 patients had died, 463 of them from cardiovascular disease. Dobnig's team found that death rates from any cause, and from cardiovascular disease, were higher among people with the lowest levels of vitamin D". "Although not proved, it seems possible that at least part of this effect may be due to lowering of a risk profile promoting atherosclerosis and preventing cardiovascular end points," they concluded".
"Dr. Gregg C. Fonarow, a professor of cardiology at the University of California, Los Angeles, noted that similar observations with low vitamin E and beta carotene levels and cardiovascular mortality were not confirmed when vitamin supplementation was tested in clinical trials. "Prospective randomized clinical trials of vitamin D supplementation demonstrating a reduction in cardiovascular mortality are absolutely needed before any treatment recommendations can be made," Fonarow said. "The few clinical trials of vitamin D supplementation conducted to date have been quite disappointing."
"Vitamin D also appears to play a role in preventing heart failure, another study finds.In a study, published online in Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, University of Michigan pharmacologist Simpson showed that vitamin D could prevent heart failure from developing in rats".
In the report about Vitamin D and the heart they say "Vitamin D deficiency may be involved in the development of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease in humans".The scientists examined the blood levels of Vitamin D in thousands of men between the ages of 40 and 75. "We assessed prospectively whether (blood) plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D) ,(Vitamin D) concentrations are associated with risk of coronary heart disease".
Very few foods in nature contain vitamin D. The flesh of fish (such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel) and fish liver oils are among the best sources. Blood serum concentration of 25(OH)D is the best indicator of Vitamin D status. It reflects vitamin D produced in the skin and that obtained from food and supplements and has a fairly long circulating half-life of 15 days. "A nested case-control study was conducted in 18 225 men in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study; the men were aged 40 to 75 years and were free of diagnosed cardiovascular disease at blood collection. Low levels of 25(OH)D are associated with higher risk of myocardial infarction (heart attack)in a graded manner, even after controlling for factors (that is making adjustments to the calculations for other things that could cause coronary heart problems) known to be associated with coronary artery disease".
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