In 80 to 90 percent of cases people have what is called essential hypertension. A fancy moniker for "we don't know why". But even though medical science doesn't why most people have high blood pressure doctors can treat high blood pressure successfully. Many people will need blood pressure medication. But an expert panel said lifestyle changes can impact your blood pressure too!
About 65 million Americans are walking around with high blood pressure a.k.a hypertension. And many of them don't even know it! Almost one billion people worldwide have high blood pressure.What is blood pressure anyway? Your body needs oxygen rich blood all the time. Your heart is the master pump that pumps blood. But blood pressure is more complicated than just the heart. The pressure is created by the heart but the arteries and channels that carry the blood also exert a pressure. An analogy is the way fuel flows in a car. In a car the fuel is pumped from the fuel pump. When you put your foot on the accelerator more fuel is pumped to meet demand. When you exercise your heart pumps harder to meet demand. The fuel flows through pipes to the parts of the engine. If the pipes get clogged it is harder for the fuel to be distributed, similarly resistance in the arteries can force the blood pressure up. If there is a leak in the system the pressure can drop. If you lose a lot of blood the pressure drops and you can go into shock.
Even though we don't know why most people have high blood pressure (some people do have identifiable factors like kidney problems) we do know many things that affect the pressure. If you are angry, angry at the traffic,angry at your boss and pretty much just plain always angry there's a good chance it's showing up in your pressure. Adrenalin gets pumped into your system, the nerves are stimulated. The nerves attached to the artery walls can alter the blood pressure. Anger and stress, especially chronic (long term) anger and stress are correlated with high blood pressure and heart problems.
"Although treatment has been prescribed for nearly all people known to have blood pressures consistently above 140/90, now called the high end of normal, up to half of patients still have elevated pressures.Why? Because doctors are not aggressive and creative in treating the problem...Many patients do not follow doctor’s orders and fail to fill prescriptions or neglect to take medicine daily; and because the rising weight of Americans and the passion for high-salt processed and restaurant-prepared foods have raised the once-normal pressures of many people to levels that experts say should be treated".
"While weight loss and improvements in diet and exercise habits can indeed help people lower an elevated pressure, “most people can’t adjust their lifestyles enough to normalize their blood pressure,” Dr. Moser said in an interview. “Most people need help from medication, notably a diuretic in combination with one or two other drugs. The majority of patients don’t get their pressures to normal without such a combination (with blood pressure medication).”
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