Senin, 09 Juli 2012

Psychotherapy: the Down Side

In my review of Lou Breger's book Psychotherapy: Lives Intersecting, several readers commented that they felt injured by psychotherapy.  It's a favorite topic of ClinkShrink who wrote the section for our Shrink Rap about how therapy can be harmful, and likes to note that any treatment with the potential to heal also has the potential to harm. 

So I got to thinking Why Would Psychotherapy be harmful?
There's bad therapy, like those mentioned by ClinkShrink and by Dr. Breger, where the therapist has their own belief system and thrusts it upon the patient, whether or not the patient feels the interpretations resonate.  We've talked before about what makes a good therapist.  Maybe we should talk about what makes a bad therapist?
I'll give you my list, please write in and add to it.
A bad therapist:
  • Falls asleep during the sessions
  • Forgets to show up for the sessions (repeatedly, we all have emergencies or calendar/technological failures).
  • Does not return phone calls (or other communications) or is generally not responsive.
  • Over-emphasizes money issues with patients who have traditionally paid.
  • Makes interpretations that don't feel relevant to the patient and insists they are true even when this repeatedly upsets the patient.
  • Takes non-urgent phone calls during sessions routinely.
  • Is generally disrespectful of the patient (curses at him, eats pizza during the session, berates or belittles him).
  • Is preoccupied and not attentive on a regular basis.
These were my thoughts off-the-top of my head, certainly not a comprehensive list, but this list is more inclusive and includes a list of more obvious red flags like licensing issues, the therapist initiating a physical relationship, revealing the identities of other patients, etc.  
 I want to say that there are always exceptions, and so these "bad therapist" ideas need to be general.  If the therapist just found out his wife has cancer, he may be less sensitive than usual or preoccupied, it doesn't mean he's a bad shrink.  And therapists have their own bills, and their own individual financial issues which may or may not permit them to be flexible or reduce fees, but some ways of talking about fees are more sensitive than others. 

 Finally, there is no perfect therapist: Someone who does everything wrong and has an awful reputation may be seen in a totally different light by a patient who feels very helped by his/her style, and the most wonderful of shrinks will still see patients who don't like them--- there's an element of chemistry that can't be ordered off the menu.

So tell me your list of bad shrinky things to do.

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