Podcasting got off to a slow start today. We haven't done this in a while, and ClinkShrink recently upgraded her computer to Lion and it was not compatible with our MultiMix8FireWire mixer. It was a long time trying, when Clink realized she'd downloaded a new driver without plugging the mixer into her computer. She started the process over, and once it actually worked, there was the distraction that Clink and Roy both kept noticing birds at the bird feeder on the deck and Clink would have to stop what she was doing to take photos with a lens that doubles as a full-sized baseball bat. The photo above is one of Clink's visiting birds.
Now there is some issue with a hat, and who knows what Roy is doing in the kitchen, but we're only two hours behind schedule, and I was late, so what can I say.
Today's topics include:
Roy spoke with folks at the American Association of Technology in Psychiatry about how Electronic Health Records have not lived up to their promises. In Michigan, there's a law that makes it a felony for a medical professional to put wrong information in, yet "the software requires you to commit a felony." Here's a link to the Michigan law.
Roy talked about an Australian hospital where someone got in trouble for falsifying wait times in the electronic health record.
We talk about Rob's blog post: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Meaningful Use while we're rambling about electronic medical records.
Dinah mentioned the little bit of research she'd done on e-prescribing.
We talked about Dinah's novels, past and future, including Monday at the Charm and her soon-to-be released novels on Amazon. Home Inspection will be available as an e-novel on Kindle, momentarily. No link quite yet.
We gave a list of our upcoming public talks-- these are in our sidebar.
And finally, we talked about the New York Times Magazine article called When My Crazy Father Actually Lost His Mind by Janeen Interlandi.
The winner of our podcast contest, mentioned at the end of our Jan 7 podcast, was "rossflem". And now I know what the hat was for-- Roy was pulling a name from it! We'll be sending Ross a signed hardback copy of our book, "Shrink Rap: Three healthys Explain Their Work."

Thank you for listening.
Send your questions and comments to: mythreeshrinksATgmailDOTcom, or comment on this post.
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