Minggu, 11 November 2007



What is Blood Pressure

If they sell food in a restaurant it can't be that bad for your health and blood pressure right? Sorry, Dorothy you're not in Kansas anymore! You are responsible to watch out for yourself. When it comes to blood pressure control be proactive.A fast food chain recently introduced a burrito with 920 calories,nearly 2000 mg of sodium and 23 grams of saturated fat. They were proud! Remember the movie Field of Dreams "If you build it they will come", well many food sellers seem to have put a spin on that "If you make it(and dump lots of salt and fat on it)they will eat it"! An expert panel on blood pressure said lower the salt in your food (among other things).

Your doctor does not know why you have high blood pressure. Don't look for a new doctor because they don't know why your blood pressure is high either(an exaggeration, sometimes there is an identifiable cause) but in 80 to 90 percent of cases people have what is called essential hypertension. A fancy moniker for "we don't know why". But even though medical science doesn't why most people have high blood pressure doctors can treat high blood pressure successfully. Many people will need blood pressure medication. But an expert panel said lifestyle changes can impact your blood pressure too!

About 65 million Americans are walking around with high blood pressure a.k.a hypertension. And many of them don't even know it! Almost one billion people worldwide have high blood pressure.What is blood pressure anyway? Your body needs oxygen rich blood all the time. Your heart is the master pump that pumps blood. But blood pressure is more complicated than just the heart. The pressure is created by the heart but the arteries and channels that carry the blood also exert a pressure. An analogy is the way fuel flows in a car. In a car the fuel is pumped from the fuel pump. When you put your foot on the accelerator more fuel is pumped to meet demand. When you exercise your heart pumps harder to meet demand. The fuel flows through pipes to the parts of the engine. If the pipes get clogged it is harder for the fuel to be distributed, similarly resistance in the arteries can force the blood pressure up. If there is a leak in the system the pressure can drop. If you lose alot of blood the pressure drops and you can go into shock.

Even though we don't know why most people have high blood pressure( some people do have identifiable factors like kidney problems) we do know many things that affect the pressure. If you are angry, angry at the traffic,angry at your boss and pretty much just plain always angry there's a good chance it's showing up in your pressure. Adrenalin gets pumped into your system, the nerves are stimulated. The nerves attached to the artery walls can alter the blood pressure. Anger and stress, especially chronic (long term) anger and stress are correlated with high blood pressure and heart problems.

  • Psychosocial Factors and Progression From Prehypertension to Hypertension or Coronary Heart Disease

  • Stress and High Blood Pressure: What's the Connection?

  • Anger, Chronic Stress Tied to Heart Disease

    The blood pressure experts conference a.k.a. JNC7 layed out five lifestyle modifications for reducing blood pressure. Many people with high blood pressure need medication. People need to see a doctor to find out if they have high blood pressure and how it needs to be treated. Additionally, learning stress control techniques like meditation and some non drug avenues can help get a handle on blood pressure. Some ways were listed in the Seventh Report of the JNC on Prevention,Detection,Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Pressure,

    Important note: These are general recommendations. Always ask your doctor first for guidelines that are specific to your medical condition.

  • Weight Loss
    Doctors see it all the time. A man or woman whose blood pressure is always on the high side loses weight and all of a sudden voila! no more high blood pressure. "Weight loss is an important lifestyle modification in reducing blood pressure. A reduction of 10 lb can help reduce blood pressure or prevent hypertension. A reduction of approximately 20 lb (9 kg) may produce a reduction in systolic blood pressure of 5 to 20 mm Hg".

    "The DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) study looked at the impact of foods on high blood pressure. The study results indicate that people who: increased calcium intake to more than 1200 mg/day, lowered fats to less than 26% of calories, and increased fiber, potassium and magnesium in their diets each day decreased systolic blood pressure (the top blood pressure number) by 5.5 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number) by 3 mm Hg".

  • "The DASH eating plan
    outlines a diet rich in fruits and vegetables; high in low-fat dairy products, potassium, magnesium, and calcium; and low in total saturated fats. Following this plan has been shown to produce mean reductions of 6 mm Hg in systolic blood pressure and 3 mm Hg in diastolic blood pressure, and combining the plan with a reduction in sodium intake produces additional blood pressure reduction".

  • A PDF of the DASH Eating Plan

    "In the PREMIER clinical trial,15 researchers assessed the impact on blood pressure of comprehensive lifestyle changes

  • reduced sodium intake,
  • increased activity
  • moderate alcohol consumption,
  • weight loss

    in addition to the DASH eating plan, compared with lifestyle changes alone or usual care (i.e., advice only). Participants in the lifestyle changes only group had a greater reduction in blood pressure than those in the usual care group, and this was further enhanced with the addition of the DASH eating plan. This was the first trial to demonstrate that all recommended lifestyle changes can be combined to reduce blood pressure successfully.

  • Limit alcohol intake

  • Strategies to Control Blood Pressure

  • Nonpharmacologic Strategies for Managing Hypertension

  • Angry thoughts, at-risk hearts
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