TIA is Not an Airline. A Mini Stroke and Treatment to Prevent Stroke

If you think TIA is the name of a new discount airline, you definitely need to read this. Ditto if you or anyone you know could be a candidate for a stroke.
A transient ischemic attack (TIA) is when blood flow to a part of the brain stops for a brief (or not so brief) period of time. It is commonly called a "mini stroke". It could also be thought of as a pre stroke because people who get a TIA can wind up with a full blown stroke.A person can have stroke-like symptoms but the person may figure it's just stress or overwork A person who has a TIA needs to be checked medically immediately. There are ways to lower the risk of a stroke.
How Does a Transient Ischemic Attack Show Up? What are Symptoms of a TIA
Some possible signs or symptoms of a TIA
1.blindness in one eye
2.slurred or weird speech
3.difficulty thinking
4.difficulty talking
5.droopy arm
6.sudden weakness
7. one side of face droops
8. headache
Five modifiable factors account for the majority of strokes.
Five modifiable factors account for the majority of strokes. Interstroke was the name of a study done on stroke and it's causes. It was a standardized, case-control study looking at the importance of established and emerging risk factors for the common stroke subtypes in different regions.
Overall, high blood pressure, was the strongest risk factor for stroke.
Along with hypertension, current smoking, abdominal obesity, diet, and physical activity accounted for 80% of the global risk of stroke, explaining 80% of the risk of ischemic stroke and 90% of the risk of hemorrhagic strokes. When additional risk factors were included in the model, including diabetes mellitus, alcohol intake, psychosocial factors, the ratio of apolipoprotein B to A1, and cardiac causes (atrial fibrillation or flutter, previous MI, and valve disease), these 10 risk factors accounted for 90% of the risk of stroke.
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