How to Recognize a TIA or Mini Stroke and a Video

A stroke is brain damage that comes from the interruption of the blood supply to some part of the brain.
Can Young People Get A Stroke? What Causes Strokes?
W hen he checked into a suburban Chicago hospital under an alias it was apparent that this was no ordinary patient. But that wasn't the half of it. The young man, a regular jogger, had been experiencing dizziness and headaches bad enough that he wound up at the hospital. This athletic, somewhat famous person , active in the naval reserves, seemed an unlikely candidate to have a stroke. Yet tests would demonstrate that Mark Kirk, junior senator from Illinois, had indeed experienced a stroke. Specifically, the main artery that carries blood into the brain via the neck, the carotid, had dissected, that is torn open.
According to an article in the New York Times "although a vast majority of strokes occur in people over age 65 (the risk is 30 to 50 per 1,000 in this age group), 10 percent to 15 percent (of strokes) affect people age 45 and younger (a risk of 1 in 1,000)".
The big problem is that the people having the symptoms didn't guess they were having a stroke, especially young people in their 30's and 40's. Sometimes the hospitals they went to made the wrong diagnosis! If you have odd symptoms like numbness, problems thinking, moving a limb, loss of vision,etc you need to get immediate treatment.
A study by doctors at the Wayne State University-Detroit Medical Center Stroke Program found that among 57 young stroke victims,one in seven was given a misdiagnosis including alcohol intoxication, seizures, inner ear disorder or other problems — and sent home without proper treatment".
What is a Stroke and What Causes Strokes? Do you have to have a Headache to have a Stroke? The answer is no.
A stroke is some interruption to the blood supply of an area in the brain, If the brain is damaged, then the part of the body controlled by that area of the brain is affected. The stroke is caused by a blood flow interruption, It could be a clot that blocks the blood supply in an artery. A clot causing a stroke is a thrombotic stroke and is like a clot causing a heart attack with the concomitant blockage in a coronary artery of the heart.
A person can have a stroke and yet not have a headache even though it's true that some strokes are accompanied by a headache.
"Stroke symptoms typically start suddenly, over seconds to minutes, and in most cases do not progress further. The symptoms depend on the area of the brain affected. The more extensive the area of brain affected, the more functions that are likely to be lost. Some forms of stroke can cause additional symptoms. For example, in intracranial hemorrhage, the affected area may compress other structures".
Ischemic stroke occurs when a blood vessel that supplies blood to the brain is blocked by a blood clot. This may happen in two ways:
- A clot may form in an artery that is already very narrow. This is called a thrombotic stroke.
- A clot may break off from another place in the blood vessels of the brain, or from some other part of the body, and travel up to the brain. This is called cerebral embolism, or an embolic stroke.
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