Jumat, 13 April 2012

Poll Results and the Limelight...

Over on Clinical Psychiatry News, Roy is writing about using the color Lime for mental illness awareness...do check it out.  Apparently it works for Lyme Disease, Lymphoma, and Muscular Dystrophy, too, but here in psych we like to be inclusive and co-morbidity is always an issue.

If you took my poll on patient searches or helped with comments I can use for quotes, thank you so much.  The survey results are here, please remember these are not science, not even a little, and I left it to the reader to define "strip search" so it's really just a snapshot:

Were you Strip Searched upon admission?
If you answered YES: Were you a voluntary patient at the time of admission?
If you answered YES: What type of hospital were you in?
Private Psychiatric Hospital
A Psychiatric Unit of a Community Hospital
A State Psychiatric Hospital
A State Hospital specificially for Forensic/ court-ordered patients
If you answered Yes, did you find the experience of being strip searched to be very distressing?

I hope no one is offended that I discussed two things in one post. I know people were offended in the past, but late on a Friday, you only get two posts when my salary for this goes up.  If I'm not back, have a great weekend. 

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