Okay, so even I'm sick of listening to me. Here in Maryland, there were hearings on 3 proposed Medical Marijuana bills on Friday and Clink and I had an op ed piece in the Baltimore Sun opposing "medical" marijuana. The governor announced he would veto any Medical Marijuana legislation that passed the Assembly, and while Dr. Joshua Sharfstein, the Secretary of the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene was instrumental in making recommendations for one of the bills, apparently he testified against his own bill. So this leaves me as the only person in Maryland who is still talking about Medical Marijuana. But I am-- I felt like I needed to address those comments on the Sun paper, and I'm going to do so over on our weekly CPN Shrink Rap News blog. It should appear sometime on 3/15/12 around noon, editor permitting. [Here is the link. ~Roy]
I'll shut up now, I promise, but I wanted to create this space for anyone who'd rather comment here.
[other posts on marijuana]
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