Roy talks about our Top 25 Posts for 2011.
ClinkShrink talks about copyright issues with the Mini-Mental Status Exam (MMSE). We talk about what the MMSE is, what it measures, and why some folks are bothered by the copyright issues. Roy mentions an alternative, the MoCa, which may be used clinically without any permission needed.
Roy mentions his Clinical Psychiatry News article in the Shrink Rap News column discussing the October SAMSHA meeting on electronic health records in behavioral health. He talks about continuity of care documents (CCD) and XML (Clink and Roy have now lost me in Geek Speak), which gives the outline about what was important about that 'episode of care,' or doctor's appointment, and the 17 categories of things that are documented. This was a stakeholder meeting to come to a consensus about which behavioral health elements should be included in the CCD. Roy talks about something called Granular Consent.
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Thank you for listening.
Send your questions and comments to: mythreeshrinksATgmailDOTcom, or comment on this post.
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