Sabtu, 10 September 2011

Looking for healthys for APA Talk in May on New Media

@ 2011 AVAM Kinetic Sculpture Race

I'm moderating a panel discussion about healthys and the New Media at the May 2012 APA Annual Meeting, and I have two slots left for the panel. It will include a brief presentation (5-7 min) from each participant, followed by a panel discussion and audience questions.

If you are a healthy attending the meeting and would like to be on the panel, please email me (shrinkraproyATgmail) or comment here. I'll also write a blog piece next year with highlights from the session for our readers.

[At right, I shot this pic of a toddler fascinated by the bubbles from the bubble machine at the 2011 Kinetic Sculpture Race at the American Visionary Art Museum in Baltimore.]

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