Over on our Shrink Rap News blog, ClinkShrink has a post up on how to find the perfect Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship. She'll walk you through what to look for and how to apply. If you have the makings of an amazing forensic healthy, please do apply to Clink's program.
Over on Thought Broadcast, SteveMD has some ideas about how to improve on the process of creating DSM-5. He proposes a DSM-wiki. This one made me giggle out loud:
Patients could also upload their own experiences, in YouTube format. Their videos would be cross-referenced to the relevant diagnoses and/or medications. Videos with the most “hits” could win a prize. Maybe we can link terms to their Urban Dictionary entries.
We could add clips from Hollywood movies depicting particular disease presentations. We could add links to Amazon.com to purchase relevant books (and use the Amazon Associates revenue to help manage server costs). We could include a Skype plug-in that would allow users to chat with other people logged on at the same time. We could even sell space to advertisers like Groupon (“10 sessions of psychotherapy for the price of 5 in Chicago!!”) or, for those over 21, porn sites (targeted specifically to readers of the “Paraphilias” entry).
Social media is the future, and the APA really needs to get with the program! An animated GIF logo. An MP3 theme playing in the background of each page. A Flash-based interface (sorry, iPad users). The APA could even create new, edgy slogans for itself and for the DSM. For instance, it’s not DSM-5 anymore, it could be “D5M-ph!\/3″. It’s not just a “living document,” it can be the most 4w3soM3 social media psychiatry destination on the planet! OMG!!!!!!1!
Finally, don't forget to submit your hot-to-trot Grand Rounds Submission with a pic. Roy's coals are hot and he's ready to cook!
Submissions are due on Sunday by Facebook on our Shrink Rap Book page, Tweet to ShrinkRapRoy, or email us at Shrinkrapblog at g mail dot com
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