We kept this podcast a little shorter and strangely enough, we didn't ramble or argue or rant. Maybe it was a little boring?
Clink wanted to talk about a report she found online about Dr. Bruce Ivins, a researcher who was a suspect in the 2001 deadly anthrax attacks via the postal mail. Dr. Ivins died of suicide in 2008, and a group was commissioned to look at the process for obtaining security clearances, and where that process may have weaknesses. This gave Clink the opportunity to talk a little about issues that arise when healthys get requests from the government for information about whether their patients pose a threat to national security.
Our links for this portion of our podcast are: A Wikipedia article about Dr. Bruce Ivins and the APA's official document called healthys’ Responses to Requests for Psychiatric Information in Federal Personnel Investigations.
Our last topic was about the management of pregnant women with opiate addictions and we discussed the use of methadone versus buprenorphine and the effects on the baby. Roy discussed an article from the New England Journal of Medicine, "Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome after Methadone or Buprenorphine Exposure."
At the end of the podcast, we mentioned that we're coming up on our 5th anniversary of Shrink Rap in late April. Roy had a surprise gift for us! Mugs with the cover of book on them! This was a fun gift. And I had brought chocolate ducks. But of course we took a picture.

Thank you for listening. Please do write a review on iTunes!
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